Increase the security of your internal network by discovering and repairing the vulnerabilities in your internal assets.

Internal audit provides a holistic approach to identifying where an organization may be vulnerable.

Why you should do an internal security audit

Protect Your Internal Network

Our audit will bring up high risk vulnerabilities for every server, application or computer inside the intranet that, once resolved, will increase the security of the network.

Stay Up-to-Date on Regulations to Maintain Compliance

IT Security Compliance regulations and guidelines require an organization to conduct regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities.

Discover data leaks from your company

Internal network audits can help determine if the company was already breached by hackers and if sensitive data was exfiltrated.

Why our approach is best for you

Our internal penetration test is based on PTES, NIST and OWASP standards combined with our over 20 years experience as certified security engineers

How we do it

Asset Discovery

In Reconnaissance phase we gather sensitive information about all assets living inside your network: servers, websites, routers, printers, employee’s stations, VMs.

Manual Vulnerability Exploitation

We manually attack and compromise your web apps, email and VPN services, websites or portals, in order to discover critical vulnerabilities


Using the information identified in the initial phase, we test the network for potential vulnerabilities. This phase is done both manually and automated, using the same tools as hackers

Reporting and Retesting

Once identified, the vulnerabilities are presented in a format that allows the organization to assess their relative business risk and the cost of remediation.

Contact Us today so we can talk about your Cybersecurity and IT solution needs for your organization!